Peschel Protocol
By: Dr. Walt Peschel
Since COVID-19 prevention with vaccines and elimination using anit-virals has not been yet sufficiently achieved, and the recent recognition that the majority of risk in the sickest COVID-19 patients derives from an excessive viral induced hyper- immune response, rather than the virus itself; there has been a multitude of failed attempts at reducing COVID-19 mortality with traditional anti-inflammatories. Thus, we have pandemic.
There may be a solution. For 25 years Peschel has developed and tested his most efficacious four drug anti-inflammatory (Peschel Protocol) which has consistently improved an adverse clinical course both in acute and chronic diseases much better when compared to traditional anti-inflammatories.
Now, Peschel in a small off-label study simply repeated a previous failed COVID-19 experiment substituting his protocol for the single agent anti-inflammatory used.
The following will help you understand his unprecedented success.
There are two sources of injury after COVID-19 entry and its immune activation. The later often is excessive and most responsible for the subsequent lung injury, decreased oxygen levels, and disease endpoints the need for hospitalization for lung failure and death.
The immune response is delivered via cytokines whose intensity is measured by the serum CRP levels. Cytokine toxicity is non-specific, injuring both the pathogen and innocent by-stander cells (example: lung with COVID-19). If delivery is brief and in modest amounts it has survival value but if excessive, as in high-risk cytokine storm COVID-19 patients, the immune contribution to organ failure is more than that of the virus.
The intensity of the COVID immune response, amount of CRP elevation, and the percentage patients develop the adverse end-points of their disease can vary, diminished in the young with no chronic disease and increased in older patients with chronic disease. Low-risk patients have mild if any elevations in CRP and decreases in O2 stats an outpatient flu like illness with a 3% mortality. Our treated low-risk patient in our study, had normal CRP and O2 stats, a 4-day flu like illness and back to work in 1 week.
In typical high-risk patient CRP begins with a normal level of 3 increasing to 30 and up to 450 with an associated lung dysfunction 02 stats beginning at normal 96 and falling. O2 stats of 89 is pulmonary failure, requiring admission with ventilatory support with mortality increasing to as high as 80% as lung failure progresses. The typical high-risk patient can expect a 50% hospitalization rate with a 30% mortality. Most of the risk begins with an O2 stat of 89.
To compare a disease intensity, measure and monitor simultaneously, serial CRPs and O2 stats throughout the clinical course followed at the end with the percentage of each endpoint. This would allow determination of the intensity of each disease evaluated separately and allow comparison of a treated patient to an untreated patient by immune attenuation.
Since the low and high-risk patients each respond to the same COVID-19 load they should be evaluated as to treated vs. untreated in each group separately. The protocol drugs are given daily in the treated patients for 28 days.
Patients are non-randomly chosen to the low-risk and high-risk groups. Each group randomly assigned to treatment and no treatment. Serial CRP’s and O2 stats are measured through out the clinical course as are percentage of endpoints at the end.
We have attenuated the immune destruction to near normal, no side effects of loss of protection for $3.00 per day.
Likely all appropriately treated patients immerged from an out-patient clinical course like the flu self-immunized increasing heard immunity safely and inexpensively.
These protocol drugs can be delivered today by prescription off-label by your own MD. It will mix with any to-be developed vaccinations and anti-virals and other non-COVID-19 meds, checking with MedEx. No problems with storage and should still be effective for mutated viruses even with increased virulence and transmission. The same treatment should be effective for this virus forever. Immediately start to correct problems with economy, lifestyle, and life expectancy.