After decades of research and hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money, Dr. Peschel as developed a cure for many of our heinous diseases. His anti-inflammatory is the answer....
From the office of David Mirisch:
Re: The Peschel Protocol
Dear Editor:
I would like to present a client of our public relations firm to you for possible interview. His name is Dr. Walt Peschel; he lives and researches in Missoula, Montana. At over eighty years of age he has developed a universal treatment. It’s widely accepted that chronic diseases share a common denominator, inflammation. Control inflammation and, Peschel maintains, disease can be slowed, stopped, and cured. Peers say Dr. Peschel's inspired discovery of the contribution of the inflammatory response and its treatment in chronic and some acute disease deserves a place in the history of science.
We live in a therapeutic miracle age, but the main obstacle to better treatment of chronic diseases, some acute diseases, recovery from injuries, and early death from specific organ failure is the devastating effect of immune over-reaction. This common cause suggests a possible common treatment. Through deep study, careful observation, and focused experimentation, Dr. Walt Peschel has found such a treatment.
The theory: chronic diseases and some acute ones operate by the same process. That process is that the immune system becomes destructive rather than helpful. This is true of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, heart disease, high blood pressure and a plethora of illnesses. His solution, a cocktail of four generic drugs, reduces the immune system's over reaction. And does so at a cost of $3.00 per day with FDA approved drugs.
Dr. Peschel has developed a treatment protocol which positively affects the immune/inflammatory response in all diseases reviewed to date. See comments and endorsements from peers on his webpage.
Since over reaction of the immune/inflammatory system is the cause of serious illness in COVID-19, it is intriguing to suppose that the Peschel Treatment would benefit patients who are afflicted by this disease, as it cured him and his son without hospitalization.
Dr. Peschel says, "Defeating disease and adding to your longevity is my mission in life, not personal profit.” And, of interest to all, defeating inflammation may just be the fountain of youth.
We look forward to your continued interest. Contact publicist
This page is not a solicitation for anything other than participation with your voice to get
Dr. Peschel's inexpensive solution to many medical challenges addressed and evaluated, please register on this page at the STAY IN TOUCH section below,
Of immediate interest is that both Dr. Peschel and his son recently contracted COVID 19, and both were treated ONLY with Dr. Peschel's cocktail of inexpensive, readily available drugs, and both were cured in record time, without hospitalization. Due to Dr. Peschel's age (80+) and former health challenges (both diabetes and heart) which pr
Of immediate interest is that both Dr. Peschel and his son recently contracted COVID 19, and both were treated ONLY with Dr. Peschel's cocktail of inexpensive, readily available drugs, and both were cured in record time, without hospitalization. Due to Dr. Peschel's age (80+) and former health challenges (both diabetes and heart) which precipitated his studies and experimentation, he was the prime candidate to die from the infection. Rather, he's cured and has renewed his attack on the diseases plaguing so many in the world.
This webpage will explain, in both laymens' and clinicians' terms, the basic premise of Dr. Peschel's protocol, along with testimonials from both medical professionals and those he's cured of a variety of debilitating and deadly ailments. This protocol was developed at a personal cost of several hundred thousand dollars, an "investment in
This webpage will explain, in both laymens' and clinicians' terms, the basic premise of Dr. Peschel's protocol, along with testimonials from both medical professionals and those he's cured of a variety of debilitating and deadly ailments. This protocol was developed at a personal cost of several hundred thousand dollars, an "investment in humanity" to quote Dr. Peschel. He has no interest in profiting from his work, other than the gratification of seeing thousands, possibly millions, enjoy a quality, far longer, far more healthy life. See below for a layman's look at Peschel's work.
Defeating disease and your longevity is our mission. Dr. Peschel has worked for decades to develop a simple, inexpensive ($3.00 a day) treatment that will benefit you and your family and your neighbor's health at a cost so low that the FDA nor the pharmaceutical industry seem to have little, if any, interest in its implementation. It's u
Defeating disease and your longevity is our mission. Dr. Peschel has worked for decades to develop a simple, inexpensive ($3.00 a day) treatment that will benefit you and your family and your neighbor's health at a cost so low that the FDA nor the pharmaceutical industry seem to have little, if any, interest in its implementation. It's up to you to help bring pressure on Congress and the FDA to stop burying Peschel's applications.
Sign up to hear from us about advances in The Peschel Protocol
For the Layman:
Unlike the insult injury (disease), where each has its own pathologic process (method and manner of progression), requiring its own diagnostically direct-disease-matched-treatment for cure or elimination, the immune response is similar in most diseases. There may be many different treatments for specific diseases, but what is common to most is the body’s own immune reaction. And, unfortunately, your own immune reaction not only attacks the disease but attacks and weakens those critical organs that keep your body functioning. One of the primary functions of the Peschel Protocol is to control that over aggressive immune reaction.
The Current Problem:
The Peschel Protocol is a combination of drugs that, individually, have ALREADY been approved by the FDA, but winning the bureaucratic approval for the study of the benefits of the drugs, or their application, when prescribed in combination, has been frustrating—at times infuriating, as diseases march on and Americans continue to die needlessly.
Walt Peschel, The Physician:
Click here to see Dr. Peschel’s Curriculum Vitae, his education and experience. Dr. Peschel retired due to his own medical concerns and with research as a calling continues to work. After many years of practice he retired with no disciplinary actions and no malpractice lawsuits.
Walt Peschel, The Man:
Walt Peschel is a Montana native who worked his way through medical school driving hay trucks. After fighting for admission, he graduated in record time with a 3.84 grade point average, Walt, and his wife Peggy, have been active in the community and various charities over Walt’s long career, all that while treating many thousands of patients, and doing so without a single malpractice litigation in this very litigious time physicians confront. His investment acumen has allowed him to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars of his own money to perfect The Peschel Protocol. An effort he’s undertaken with purely altruistic motives. His intent is to help you and me and the world with his research, not to personally profit. Dr. Peschel is a physician and takes that title seriously.
COVID 19, Today’s Immediate Problem:
It’s been well established that the mortality of COVID 19 infections is caused by a viral induced over-active immune response rather than by direct viral injury. It’s not virus that kills most, but their own body’s response. Clinicians and physicians click here for more detail.
L. J. Martin is The Peschel Protocol webmaster, an author of over 67 novels and non-fiction works, and most importantly a long time patient and friend of Dr. Walt Peschel. He, like so many others, is fighting to get The Peschel Protocol recognized and approved by the FDA and, this low cost protocol utilized by physicians all over the world. Like everyone involved, he's donating his time to the project. Disclaimer: Martin is not a medical professional and is acting purely as an interested layman. For more see